Some funny tricks about Google:-
1). Do a barrel roll Trick:
Write “Do a” or complete “Do a barrel roll” or “Z or R Twice” in Google Search bar and Google’s search page will rotate at 360 degrees.
2). Askew Google Trick:
Type “Askew” or “Tilt” in Google search and the whole page will tilt slightly.
3). Google Gravity:
Enter “Google Gravity” in the Google search bar and hit the first link. All the components of the page will be pulled down by gravitational force.
4). Chuck Norris Trick:
Search “Chuck Norris Google” or “Chuck Norris Google Trick”, on Google and open the first link. The page says that Google won’t search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don’t find Chuck, he finds you.
Note: This trick used to work by just searching “Chuck Norris” on Google but it no more works that way.
5). Recursion Google Trick:
Search “Recursion” on Google and Google will keep on recurring it by saying “Did you mean Recursion?” even if you spelled it correct for the very first time.
6). Google MentalPlex Search:
Google introduced this page as fun on April fool day in year 2000. According to the page Google said that you can now search by just visualizing and thinking which ofcourse was just a joke.
Check out the Google MentalPlex Pageand read what Google did with users on 1st April, 2000. If you want to Laugh Out Loud then read full details then read the FAQand Illustrationpage of Google MentalPlex Joke.
7). Play Google Pacman:
Google Search “Google Pacman” and open first link. Now click on “Insert Coin” and enjoy the game.
8). The Answer to Life the Universe and Everything [42]:
Search on Google “the answer to life the universe and everything” and it will calculate it equals to “42”
8). I’m Feeling Lucky:
When you hover you mouse on “I’m feeling lucky” button of Google Search, it randomizes itself and a cool “I’m feeling ____” comes up. And when you click that button say “I’m feeling playful”, Google takes you to the relevant page. Try this and have fun.
Google search riddles “” will open when you click “I’m Puzzled” Button.
Different buttons include:
*.I’m Feeling Doodely
*.I’m Feeling Puzzled
*.I’m Feeling Hungry
*.I’m Feeling Wonderful
*.I’m Feeling Artistic
*.I’m Feeling Trendy
*.I’m Feeling Stellar
9). Create your own Google Homepage: type “goglogo” in Google search, hit enter and open the first link.
Type whatever you want to see as a logo of your Google Homepage and hit enter key.
10). Ninja in Google Reader:
Open Google reader, now hit these keys “up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A”. After you are done hitting the keys, a ninja will appear in the sidebar and it turns greenish.
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1). Do a barrel roll Trick:
Write “Do a” or complete “Do a barrel roll” or “Z or R Twice” in Google Search bar and Google’s search page will rotate at 360 degrees.
2). Askew Google Trick:
Type “Askew” or “Tilt” in Google search and the whole page will tilt slightly.
3). Google Gravity:
Enter “Google Gravity” in the Google search bar and hit the first link. All the components of the page will be pulled down by gravitational force.
4). Chuck Norris Trick:
Search “Chuck Norris Google” or “Chuck Norris Google Trick”, on Google and open the first link. The page says that Google won’t search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don’t find Chuck, he finds you.
Note: This trick used to work by just searching “Chuck Norris” on Google but it no more works that way.
5). Recursion Google Trick:
Search “Recursion” on Google and Google will keep on recurring it by saying “Did you mean Recursion?” even if you spelled it correct for the very first time.
6). Google MentalPlex Search:
Google introduced this page as fun on April fool day in year 2000. According to the page Google said that you can now search by just visualizing and thinking which ofcourse was just a joke.
Check out the Google MentalPlex Pageand read what Google did with users on 1st April, 2000. If you want to Laugh Out Loud then read full details then read the FAQand Illustrationpage of Google MentalPlex Joke.
7). Play Google Pacman:
Google Search “Google Pacman” and open first link. Now click on “Insert Coin” and enjoy the game.
8). The Answer to Life the Universe and Everything [42]:
Search on Google “the answer to life the universe and everything” and it will calculate it equals to “42”
8). I’m Feeling Lucky:
When you hover you mouse on “I’m feeling lucky” button of Google Search, it randomizes itself and a cool “I’m feeling ____” comes up. And when you click that button say “I’m feeling playful”, Google takes you to the relevant page. Try this and have fun.
Google search riddles “” will open when you click “I’m Puzzled” Button.
Different buttons include:
*.I’m Feeling Doodely
*.I’m Feeling Puzzled
*.I’m Feeling Hungry
*.I’m Feeling Wonderful
*.I’m Feeling Artistic
*.I’m Feeling Trendy
*.I’m Feeling Stellar
9). Create your own Google Homepage: type “goglogo” in Google search, hit enter and open the first link.
Type whatever you want to see as a logo of your Google Homepage and hit enter key.
10). Ninja in Google Reader:
Open Google reader, now hit these keys “up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A”. After you are done hitting the keys, a ninja will appear in the sidebar and it turns greenish.
Hope You Enjoyed Doing this :)
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